This story was winner of the Vancouver Story Slam, May 2021 Edition >>>

The “social distancing”, online version of Canada’s longest-running live storytelling competition.

Run begins at 36:50

“It’s the mid‑80s, and I have three rules … 

  • One: always wear boots I can run in.
  • Two: always have a lucky fiver in my leather jacket pocket, so I can jump in a taxi if I’m being followed.
  • Three: always listen to my gut … it’s never wrong.”
  • writer & storyteller: Sara Morley
  • 5:30 min
  • developed in Confabulation’s StoryLab with Deb VanSlet and Michele Luchs

Relatable, rich in detail, skillfully told … and genuinely frightening.

– Susan Cormier, Producer, Vancouver Story Slam

This story is on The Short Story Show podcast >>>

Fear, September 2, 2021

From the producer of the Vancouver Story Slam. Unique, original short stories for those short on time and long on imagination. New episodes every Thursday.

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